Sunday, March 28, 2021

Guinness World Records for most live viewers of online meditation lesson

Who Are You?

In this class Swamiji dives into the big question: Who are you? We use the tools of direct awareness and mindfulness to observe your thoughts, emotions and behaviors, and that which is observing them all. It's Jnana yoga, Vedanta, and steroids. Here is your ticket too going beyond the mind, enjoy. 


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Who Are You?

In this class Swamiji dives into the big question: Who are you? We use the tools of direct awareness and mindfulness to observe your thoughts, emotions and behaviors, and that which is observing them all. It's Jnana yoga, Vedanta, and steroids. Here is your ticket too going beyond the mind, enjoy. 


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Friday, March 26, 2021

On Manifesting

Swamiji gives a short talk on How to Manifest using the Siddhi's of the yogi's. By connecting with your Shakti or Energy and Innate Intelligence or awareness, you can learn to increase your "attractor field" and manifest more powerfully, and for a higher purpose too. Learn more at


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On Manifesting

Swamiji gives a short talk on How to Manifest using the Siddhi's of the yogi's. By connecting with your Shakti or Energy and Innate Intelligence or awareness, you can learn to increase your "attractor field" and manifest more powerfully, and for a higher purpose too. Learn more at


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Vaccine Passports - A Call for Action

On Manifesting

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Psychic Energy Meditation

Swamiji guides you to tune into energy fields around you, within your cell structures, molecules and atoms, as well as Earth Fields, Solar Fields, Galactic, Universal and beyond. Throughout the call Swamiji transmits Shaktipat to conduct an energy vortex. You can experience this for yourself. Learn more


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Psychic Energy Meditation

Swamiji guides you to tune into energy fields around you, within your cell structures, molecules and atoms, as well as Earth Fields, Solar Fields, Galactic, Universal and beyond. Throughout the call Swamiji transmits Shaktipat to conduct an energy vortex. You can experience this for yourself. Learn more


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Make HUMAN CLONING Great Again

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The Great Awakening - An Invitation

Saturday, April 3rd, we are gathering together live via Zoom

9:00 am Pacific, Noon Eastern, 4:00 pm London, 9:30 pm New Delhi

We will meet, with Swami Steven Sadleir, discuss the awakening and go over some practices we can use to raise our calibrated level of consciousness and experience Shaktipat together, with Q&A. 


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The Great Awakening - An Invitation

Saturday, April 3rd, we are gathering together live via Zoom

9:00 am Pacific, Noon Eastern, 4:00 pm London, 9:30 pm New Delhi

We will meet, with Swami Steven Sadleir, discuss the awakening and go over some practices we can use to raise our calibrated level of consciousness and experience Shaktipat together, with Q&A. 


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Sunday, March 21, 2021

Expanded Awareness

Swamiji guides us into an expanded state of awareness. First, within ourselves and into the subtle energy body and nervous system. Second, into the Earth and the innate intelligence around us. Then, into the solar system, the galaxy and universe, and, finally, beyond.



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Expanded Awareness

Swamiji guides us into an expanded state of awareness. First, within ourselves and into the subtle energy body and nervous system. Second, into the Earth and the innate intelligence around us. Then, into the solar system, the galaxy and universe, and, finally, beyond.



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Friday, March 19, 2021

Looking into the lives of 81 people who took the j@b

Crown Chakra Meditation

In this meditation we draw awareness to the flow of life force energy in our body and focalize it at the top of the head - at the Crown Chakra. By the end of this class you will be flying. 

Live class on April 3rd. Learn more

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Crown Chakra Meditation

In this meditation we draw awareness to the flow of life force energy in our body and focalize it at the top of the head - at the Crown Chakra. By the end of this class you will be flying. 

Live class on April 3rd. Learn more

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Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Great Awakening

There is an Global Awakening happening around the world and millions of people are enlightening. We are gathering together virtually via a LIVE Zoom video broadcast with Swamiji on Saturday, April 3rd, 9:00 am Pacific, Noon Eastern, 4:00 pm London, 9:30 pm New Delhi. Of course it's free but Zoom requires everyone to be registered, to register CLICK HERE  Please invite your friends too. 


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The Great Awakening

There is an Global Awakening happening around the world and millions of people are enlightening. We are gathering together virtually via a LIVE Zoom video broadcast with Swamiji on Saturday, April 3rd, 9:00 am Pacific, Noon Eastern, 4:00 pm London, 9:30 pm New Delhi. Of course it's free but Zoom requires everyone to be registered, to register CLICK HERE  Please invite your friends too. 


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The Great Awakening

Sunday, March 14, 2021

The Nature of Existence

This class goes deep into the nature of existence and how order arises out of chaos to reveal the "code of live". What's special about the numbers 3, 6 & 9? What is the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio and how does it affect your life? There is a science to existence, and a science to your Self. Come expand your mind and realize the inner connected wholeness of your own being. 

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The Nature of Existence

This class goes deep into the nature of existence and how order arises out of chaos to reveal the "code of live". What's special about the numbers 3, 6 & 9? What is the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio and how does it affect your life? There is a science to existence, and a science to your Self. Come expand your mind and realize the inner connected wholeness of your own being. 

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Thursday, March 11, 2021

Going Down the Rabbit Hole

This is a grounding meditation. We dive into the illusion being portrayed to us through the media, and learn how to see through their tricks and deceits. From the American Coup to the New World Order, how the virus is being used as a weapon, as is 5G, Chem Trails, GMO's and the Vaccines. Saying "Conspiracy Theory" just indicates  a form of mind control. This whole class is designed to cause you to question and become the watcher of this grand play unfolding. Let's shine our light on the darkness and dispel it. See the big picture and learn what's really going on. For more data go to Enlightenment Radio - New World Order 

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Going Down the Rabbit Hole

This is a grounding meditation. We dive into the illusion being portrayed to us through the media, and learn how to see through their tricks and deceits. From the American Coup to the New World Order, how the virus is being used as a weapon, as is 5G, Chem Trails, GMO's and the Vaccines. Saying "Conspiracy Theory" just indicates  a form of mind control. This whole class is designed to cause you to question and become the watcher of this grand play unfolding. Let's shine our light on the darkness and dispel it. See the big picture and learn what's really going on. For more data go to Enlightenment Radio - New World Order 

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Gov. Abbott discusses border security

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Vethathiri Maharihishi

Yogiraj Shri Vethathiri Maharishi was a great Siddha in the Tamil line and Kundalini Master who brought the science of life force energy at a transcendental level. Steven gives a brief bio of his guru, shows you pictures of the ashrams in India, as well as very personal accounts from someone who got to get very close. In my opinion, the world's greatest master. To WATCH this broadcast go to


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Vethathiri Maharihishi

Yogiraj Shri Vethathiri Maharishi was a great Siddha in the Tamil line and Kundalini Master who brought the science of life force energy at a transcendental level. Steven gives a brief bio of his guru, shows you pictures of the ashrams in India, as well as very personal accounts from someone who got to get very close. In my opinion, the world's greatest master. To WATCH this broadcast go to


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Vethathiri Maharishi

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Fields & Frequencies

In this class Swamiji leads the class in a series of meditations designed to help you develop awareness of our bodies frequencies and how to conduct the energy fields around your body. This class is very interactive and powerful. You should be able to feel this Shaktipat energy as you are meditating. Enjoy.


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Fields & Frequencies

In this class Swamiji leads the class in a series of meditations designed to help you develop awareness of our bodies frequencies and how to conduct the energy fields around your body. This class is very interactive and powerful. You should be able to feel this Shaktipat energy as you are meditating. Enjoy.


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Friday, March 5, 2021

Crab smoking cigarettes Do Crabs Smokes! Is it possible? Unbelievable ....

Emotional Detox & Clearing Meditation

The first part of this meditation involves clearing out negative imprints in your energy field and mind through pranayama and auto-suggestion and ends with you laying down and being guided through a energy attunement and healing exercise. It's very relaxing and will help you cope with the stresses are are facing. More on 


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Emotional Detox & Clearing Meditation

The first part of this meditation involves clearing out negative imprints in your energy field and mind through pranayama and auto-suggestion and ends with you laying down and being guided through a energy attunement and healing exercise. It's very relaxing and will help you cope with the stresses are are facing. More on 


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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

10 Minute Kundalini Initiation

Swamiji guides a 10 minute Kundalini Meditation, and initiation into focusing on the 3rd Eye point between the eyebrows along with a Shaktipat transmission to boot. Just watch and enjoy.


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10 Minute Kundalini Initiation

Swamiji guides a 10 minute Kundalini Meditation, and initiation into focusing on the 3rd Eye point between the eyebrows along with a Shaktipat transmission to boot. Just watch and enjoy.


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10 Minute Kundalini Initiation