Saturday, April 30, 2022
Friday, April 29, 2022
Monday, April 25, 2022
Sunday, April 24, 2022
The Bible - 4 The Secret Books
This forth lecture covers those books hidden or kept secret, including: The Apocrapha, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the teachings of the Essene sect of Jews and the Kabbalah. Herein the mysteries of the Bible are revealed.
The Bible - 4 The Secret Books
This forth lecture covers those books hidden or kept secret, including: The Apocrapha, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the teachings of the Essene sect of Jews and the Kabbalah. Herein the mysteries of the Bible are revealed.
Friday, April 22, 2022
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
God Realization - Advanced Training
A new advanced course called God Realization, helds Saturdays at 9:00 am Pacific for one hour and lasting 8 weeks for $750 begins this Saturday. If you are interested in registering via Zoom go to or just use this link
God Realization - Advanced Training
A new advanced course called God Realization, helds Saturdays at 9:00 am Pacific for one hour and lasting 8 weeks for $750 begins this Saturday. If you are interested in registering via Zoom go to or just use this link
Sunday, April 17, 2022
The Bible - 2 Exodus
Here we begin by following Abrahams lineage through Isaac, Jacob and Joseph to Egypt, through Moses and the Exodus, crossing the Sea of Reeds and sharing the Ten Commandments. However, we are going to share some lesser known facts and deep revelations from the Kabbalah too.
The Bible - 2 Exodus
Here we begin by following Abrahams lineage through Isaac, Jacob and Joseph to Egypt, through Moses and the Exodus, crossing the Sea of Reeds and sharing the Ten Commandments. However, we are going to share some lesser known facts and deep revelations from the Kabbalah too.
The Bible - 2 Exodus
In this second sermon on The Bible Steven explains the lieage of patriarchs from Abraham to Ismael and Isaac, Esau and Jacob and their encounters with Angels and God. Then follow Jacobs family tree through the 12 tribes of Israel, Joseph being sold into slavery and becoming the Pharoeh's Minister and the tribe of Israel joining him in Egypt. Then telling the story of Moses and him leading the Exodus from Egypt, his encounters with God and deliverance of the 10 Commandments. Many of the Bible's secrets are revealed, including a greater understanding of who or what God is and what our purpose is on Earth.
The Bible - 2 Exodus
In this second sermon on The Bible Steven explains the lieage of patriarchs from Abraham to Ismael and Isaac, Esau and Jacob and their encounters with Angels and God. Then follow Jacobs family tree through the 12 tribes of Israel, Joseph being sold into slavery and becoming the Pharoeh's Minister and the tribe of Israel joining him in Egypt. Then telling the story of Moses and him leading the Exodus from Egypt, his encounters with God and deliverance of the 10 Commandments. Many of the Bible's secrets are revealed, including a greater understanding of who or what God is and what our purpose is on Earth.
Saturday, April 16, 2022
God Realization Preview Call
Quick overview of the new God Realization course starting next Saturday at 9:00 am Pacific and runs for 8 weeks zoomed live with Steven. For advanced students but anyone who feels ready can join, to register just go to
You are being called...
God Realization Preview Call
Quick overview of the new God Realization course starting next Saturday at 9:00 am Pacific and runs for 8 weeks zoomed live with Steven. For advanced students but anyone who feels ready can join, to register just go to
You are being called...
Friday, April 15, 2022
The Bible - 1 Genesis
This first class provides a brief overview of the Bible, and then goes into brief overviews of each of the primary stories and lessons of the Old Testament beginning with the Book of Genesis: The Creatation account, creating Adam and Eve, their temptation by the serpent, their children Cain, Able and Seth. how the Sons of God mated with human women to create giants, God creates the Great Flood but saves Noah and how his three sons populate the world. How man created the Tower of Bable, God called Abram and leads him and his family to Canaan, their journey to Egypt and back, Hagar having Ishmael and then Sarah gives birth to Isaac, visitations from Angels, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra, Lots child, Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac and the next generation.
Steven includes further accounts from the Kabbalah, Talmud and Sumerian creation story accounts and explains each of these stories, their lessons and relevance to our lives and what is happening in the world today.
To learn more go to
The Bible - 1 Genesis
This first class provides a brief overview of the Bible, and then goes into brief overviews of each of the primary stories and lessons of the Old Testament beginning with the Book of Genesis: The Creatation account, creating Adam and Eve, their temptation by the serpent, their children Cain, Able and Seth. how the Sons of God mated with human women to create giants, God creates the Great Flood but saves Noah and how his three sons populate the world. How man created the Tower of Bable, God called Abram and leads him and his family to Canaan, their journey to Egypt and back, Hagar having Ishmael and then Sarah gives birth to Isaac, visitations from Angels, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra, Lots child, Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac and the next generation.
Steven includes further accounts from the Kabbalah, Talmud and Sumerian creation story accounts and explains each of these stories, their lessons and relevance to our lives and what is happening in the world today.
To learn more go to
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
C. S. Lewis - The Young Man and The Devil
Steven reads a short letter written by C. S. Lewis, a Christian theologian and famous for writing the Cronicles of Narnia, in 1942. Fearing a loss of a free world due to the threat of fascism and communism. This letter is of a young man asking the Devil how he gets so many people into Hell? It was written in WWII for fits for this time right now and will be obvious why I wanted to share it once you hear it.
New class starting, go to to learn more.
C. S. Lewis - The Young Man and The Devil
Steven reads a short letter written by C. S. Lewis, a Christian theologian and famous for writing the Cronicles of Narnia, in 1942. Fearing a loss of a free world due to the threat of fascism and communism. This letter is of a young man asking the Devil how he gets so many people into Hell? It was written in WWII for fits for this time right now and will be obvious why I wanted to share it once you hear it.
New class starting, go to to learn more.
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
God Realization
New class is beginning this month on God Realization. We are going deeper than every before. Zoomed live Saturday, April 16th at 9:00 am Pacific. This is a free preview call, the course is 8 weeks and begins the following Saturady, the 23rd. To register for the Zoom class this Saturday
You can sign up for the course at
God Realization
New class is beginning this month on God Realization. We are going deeper than every before. Zoomed live Saturday, April 16th at 9:00 am Pacific. This is a free preview call, the course is 8 weeks and begins the following Saturady, the 23rd. To register for the Zoom class this Saturday
You can sign up for the course at
Monday, April 11, 2022
New God Realization Course
New God Realization Course beginning. The free Preview Call with Steven on Zoom is this Saturday, April 16th at 9:00 am Pacific, to get in register with Zoom Register for Zoom Call
The eight week God Realization course will begin the following Saturday. To register for this early go to
New God Realization Course
New God Realization Course beginning. The free Preview Call with Steven on Zoom is this Saturday, April 16th at 9:00 am Pacific, to get in register with Zoom Register for Zoom Call
The eight week God Realization course will begin the following Saturday. To register for this early go to
Friday, April 8, 2022
Enlightened Christians
This class is about how Chritians are enlightening to prepare The Way for The Messiah. We talk about Angles, Holy Spirit, the Axial Age and transision from Pieces to Aquarius. We live during the Last Days, Rapture, Second Coming and, ultimately, the enlightenment of mankind. Moreover, there is more good news, those teachings that were burried have arisen and help us prepare The Way. Another miracle is unfolding, check it out.
Enlightened Christians
This class is about how Chritians are enlightening to prepare The Way for The Messiah. We talk about Angles, Holy Spirit, the Axial Age and transision from Pieces to Aquarius. We live during the Last Days, Rapture, Second Coming and, ultimately, the enlightenment of mankind. Moreover, there is more good news, those teachings that were burried have arisen and help us prepare The Way. Another miracle is unfolding, check it out.