This first class provides a brief overview of the Bible, and then goes into brief overviews of each of the primary stories and lessons of the Old Testament beginning with the Book of Genesis: The Creatation account, creating Adam and Eve, their temptation by the serpent, their children Cain, Able and Seth. how the Sons of God mated with human women to create giants, God creates the Great Flood but saves Noah and how his three sons populate the world. How man created the Tower of Bable, God called Abram and leads him and his family to Canaan, their journey to Egypt and back, Hagar having Ishmael and then Sarah gives birth to Isaac, visitations from Angels, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra, Lots child, Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac and the next generation.
Steven includes further accounts from the Kabbalah, Talmud and Sumerian creation story accounts and explains each of these stories, their lessons and relevance to our lives and what is happening in the world today.
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