Saturday, September 25, 2021

Self Mastery

Swamiji leads a discussion on what Self Mastery and Self Realization ARE and how to attain it. He discusses the paths of Kriya, Kundalini and Shaktipat and guides a meditation that will get you blissful. 

New live class forming at 


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Self Mastery

Swamiji leads a discussion on what Self Mastery and Self Realization ARE and how to attain it. He discusses the paths of Kriya, Kundalini and Shaktipat and guides a meditation that will get you blissful. 

New live class forming at 


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Self Mastery

Friday, September 24, 2021

Are You Prepared?

Are you prepared for the changing happening in our world and in your life? Most people are oblivious to what's happening, we cannot afford to be ignorant of the changes and the direction the collective consciousness is going. How do you prepare? What do we/you need to know? How are we going to get through it? Here is what you can do. An opportunity is being presented to each of us.


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Are You Prepared?

Are you prepared for the changing happening in our world and in your life? Most people are oblivious to what's happening, we cannot afford to be ignorant of the changes and the direction the collective consciousness is going. How do you prepare? What do we/you need to know? How are we going to get through it? Here is what you can do. An opportunity is being presented to each of us.


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Sunday, September 19, 2021

New Robot Makes Soldiers Obsolete (Corridor Digital)

The 12 Precepts of Self Mastery

This class goes over the twelve precepts of the Self Mastery Class, or Self Realization Course. There are various meditation techniques, introspection tools, protocols and practices you can use to develop greater conscious awareness and find greater happiness and peace. Enjoy.

New live class forming, go to 


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The 12 Precepts of Self Mastery

This class goes over the twelve precepts of the Self Mastery Class, or Self Realization Course. There are various meditation techniques, introspection tools, protocols and practices you can use to develop greater conscious awareness and find greater happiness and peace. Enjoy.

New live class forming, go to 


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Friday, September 17, 2021

Cosmic Consciousness

This meditation begins by observing the consciousness within ourselves, and then expanding out into the fields of electro magnetism around you, then into the earths bio-magnetic field, expanding further into the solar system, galaxy and universe. 

New class forming, go to 


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Cosmic Consciousness

This meditation begins by observing the consciousness within ourselves, and then expanding out into the fields of electro magnetism around you, then into the earths bio-magnetic field, expanding further into the solar system, galaxy and universe. 

New class forming, go to 


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Sunday, September 12, 2021

BOLERO Ravel ラヴェルボレロOrquesta Joven de la Sinfónica de Galicia ガリシア D: Vi...

Spiritual Warrior

You are being prepared for this Great Awakening and you need the tools and training to be strong in body, mind and spirit. We start this training by building up our own life force energy. Learning how to clear toxins, physical and mental, and build up the stock of life force energy and Shakti. How to build up your immune system and avoid being damaged from improper medical care. 

New class forming go to 

Check out this episode!

Spiritual Warrior

You are being prepared for this Great Awakening and you need the tools and training to be strong in body, mind and spirit. We start this training by building up our own life force energy. Learning how to clear toxins, physical and mental, and build up the stock of life force energy and Shakti. How to build up your immune system and avoid being damaged from improper medical care. 

New class forming go to 

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 10, 2021

Your Own Tree of Life

In this class we look at your family tree and the tree of life itself, and your relation to what is happening now. Over the past 12 generations, thousands of relatives over 400 years and going back farther. What is evolving us, where are we evolving to, and what can we do to further evolve and awaken this latent potential? What you are reflecting upon is changing you, evolving you, and it's just getting better. 

New classes forming, go to


Check out this episode!

Your Own Tree of Life

In this class we look at your family tree and the tree of life itself, and your relation to what is happening now. Over the past 12 generations, thousands of relatives over 400 years and going back farther. What is evolving us, where are we evolving to, and what can we do to further evolve and awaken this latent potential? What you are reflecting upon is changing you, evolving you, and it's just getting better. 

New classes forming, go to


Check out this episode!

Monday, September 6, 2021

Dr. Ghauri, a parent and doctor, speaks at the Pennsbury School Board me...

The Nature of Existence

This class is a journey into the very nature of existence. From nothing to something, here we explore how life manifests and how you can learn it's secrets and engage your life more meaningfully. We use our mind to move our awareness beyond the mind. From Steven's book The Nature of Existence and Science of Consciousness. Enjoy.

New class forming, go to


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The Nature of Existence

This class is a journey into the very nature of existence. From nothing to something, here we explore how life manifests and how you can learn it's secrets and engage your life more meaningfully. We use our mind to move our awareness beyond the mind. From Steven's book The Nature of Existence and Science of Consciousness. Enjoy.

New class forming, go to


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Saturday, September 4, 2021

The Secrets of the Universe

The first 5 minutes of this class is a Public Service Announcement about what's happening in the medical industry and Plandemic. 

The meditation starts 5 minutes in, diving deep into the nature of existence. From nothing to a particle, to elements, molecules, cells, beings and our cosmic origins. There is an innate intelligence guiding each of us and we are going to explore it together. 

New class forming this month, go to


Check out this episode!

The Secrets of the Universe

The first 5 minutes of this class is a Public Service Announcement about what's happening in the medical industry and Plandemic. 

The meditation starts 5 minutes in, diving deep into the nature of existence. From nothing to a particle, to elements, molecules, cells, beings and our cosmic origins. There is an innate intelligence guiding each of us and we are going to explore it together. 

New class forming this month, go to


Check out this episode!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Self Mastery Course

A new Self Mastery Course (Self Realization) is starting up. 

Free Live Zoom Class Saturday, Sept 25th, 9:00 am Pacific to register

The Self Mastery Course is 12 weeks and begins the following Saturday, Oct 2nd, for those registered. More on this course during the free call, but you need to experience the Shaktipat to get it first. 

For more info 


Check out this episode!

Self Mastery Course

A new Self Mastery Course (Self Realization) is starting up. 

Free Live Zoom Class Saturday, Sept 25th, 9:00 am Pacific to register

The Self Mastery Course is 12 weeks and begins the following Saturday, Oct 2nd, for those registered. More on this course during the free call, but you need to experience the Shaktipat to get it first. 

For more info 


Check out this episode!

Self Mastery Course

The Great Awakening Movement