Saturday, February 26, 2022

A Prayer for Ukraine

This short prayer and meditation is to come in solidarity and compassion for particularly the people of Ukraine, but also for the Russians and all affected, as well as the Taiwanese and Chinese, Canada, America and, in fact, the whole world. Become a part of the consciousness that is visualizing would peace. 


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A Prayer for Ukraine

This short prayer and meditation is to come in solidarity and compassion for particularly the people of Ukraine, but also for the Russians and all affected, as well as the Taiwanese and Chinese, Canada, America and, in fact, the whole world. Become a part of the consciousness that is visualizing would peace. 


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Prayer for Ukraine

Friday, February 25, 2022

All About You

This talk is all about you. About who you are at many different levels, and why you were born. This discussion will help develop your faculities of higher awareness through introspection. Enjoy the ride.


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All About You

This talk is all about you. About who you are at many different levels, and why you were born. This discussion will help develop your faculities of higher awareness through introspection. Enjoy the ride.


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Sunday, February 20, 2022

Are You Prepared?

Are you prepared for what's coming? Physically, mentally and spiritually you need to be prepared. As a spiritual warrior, you need to know what is coming and what you can do about it. This class is to prepare you for what is coming. You need to know this now. More at


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Are You Prepared?

Are you prepared for what's coming? Physically, mentally and spiritually you need to be prepared. As a spiritual warrior, you need to know what is coming and what you can do about it. This class is to prepare you for what is coming. You need to know this now. More at


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Friday, February 18, 2022

About You

This class is all about you. About who you are and why you were born. Together we look at life from different perspectives and put our own life into a perspective that serves us best. How to create a better life. More at


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About You

This class is all about you. About who you are and why you were born. Together we look at life from different perspectives and put our own life into a perspective that serves us best. How to create a better life. More at


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Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentine

This class begins with a short history of Valentine's Day and then dives into spiritual love poems. Swamiji reads his love poems to you as a heart meditation. Just feel the love. 

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Happy Valentine

This class begins with a short history of Valentine's Day and then dives into spiritual love poems. Swamiji reads his love poems to you as a heart meditation. Just feel the love. 

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Saturday, February 12, 2022

A Virtual Retreat

Steven guides you into a virtual meditation retreat and into higher states of consciousness. Come join us, you deserve a break. 

Info on retreat at


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A Virtual Retreat

Steven guides you into a virtual meditation retreat and into higher states of consciousness. Come join us, you deserve a break. 

Info on retreat at


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Sunday, February 6, 2022

The Awesomeness of God

Are you blown away by Creation? Can you feel the living Presence of the Creator breathing life  in you? If you can, great, let's go even deeper and if you haven't discovered the awesomeness of the Creator we can go here now. 

Retreat in the desert March 31 to April 3, go to 


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The Awesomeness of God

Are you blown away by Creation? Can you feel the living Presence of the Creator breathing life  in you? If you can, great, let's go even deeper and if you haven't discovered the awesomeness of the Creator we can go here now. 

Retreat in the desert March 31 to April 3, go to 


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Friday, February 4, 2022

Reality Check

What is going on in our world and how is it affeccting you and us? Here we step back and look at what's happening, how it's affecting us and what we can do about it. From masks, quarantines and vaccinations that hurt us, to Building Back Better, the Great Reset and the New World Order. Here is a summary of what's happening.


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Reality Check

What is going on in our world and how is it affeccting you and us? Here we step back and look at what's happening, how it's affecting us and what we can do about it. From masks, quarantines and vaccinations that hurt us, to Building Back Better, the Great Reset and the New World Order. Here is a summary of what's happening.


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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Power of Your Will

What is your will? How powerful is your willpower? Where does it come from and how can you apply it to your life? Learn this and your whole life changes. Let it begin now. 


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The Power of Your Will

What is your will? How powerful is your willpower? Where does it come from and how can you apply it to your life? Learn this and your whole life changes. Let it begin now. 


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